Saturday, November 10, 2012

Replacing The Fears of Diversity With Acceptance / A Woman's Perspective

There is a proven shift in the mindset of the majority of American citizens. A shift that I never expected to live long enough to see. Obviously, most of our citizens are insightful enough to understand how important diversity is to the progressive growth of this country.

*This will post not be a focus on politics.
A person's system of belief and their personal politics are areas I feel should be addressed by their invitation only.
Each person must live with their own truth.

Why are so many people reluctant or afraid to accept the differences of other people?

I honestly believe that in most cases, the reluctance stems from a basic lack of knowledge. None of us are born with a preset switch that will automatically dismiss the worth of certain groups of people.
We learn how to accept people and situations during our childhood; primarily from our family.
 Even if the immediate environment is tainted with biased opinions, parents have the power and choice to raise children who will grow up with an open mind, and most importantly,,,an open heart.

*Parents have the responsibility to teach their children that it is wrong to judge an entire race of people based on the actions or choices of some.
*This is important in regards to ALL races and ethnicity's..
It is a sign of maturity to examine the politics of your family. Some lessons learned will be proven to be true; some will often be questioned. Your personal experiences may also cause you to adjust your views. You have the free will to follow your heart,,and your truth.

Most of our opinions are based largely on our experiences. Because we are human, for some, a bad experience can be worse if the other person is of a different race or culture. Although difficult, it is  possible to refrain from projecting your feelings onto an entire race of people.

We are blessed to live in a country that provides us with the freedom of speech. Along with that freedom, there is responsibility that is often ignored.

*For the first time in history, that freedom has given people the opportunity to make shameful, painful, and dangerous statements regarding the President of our country and his family,,,,freely, without fear of punishment. 
*A President that was elected as a result of the Democratic process that is an international badge of freedom.
* The real issue is the respect of the office,,,,not the politics.
As interesting message for other countries....

There are a select group of people who live quite well off the fear(s) of other people. Over the years, they have picked up a huge following.
I have always wondered if they would ever consider inviting any of their followers into their homes for dinner...

How can we make a positive difference?

Most important life lessons begin at home. Children are always tuned into the conversations of their parents. A parents response to everything from a news report, to an incident that happened at school or work is a life lesson for that child.

It the parent uses a broad brush to paint a race or culture, so will their child
We must make a real effort to expose our children and ourselves to other cultures.
 It is impossible to understand something that you have no knowledge of.
It should be just as impossible to judge someone that you know absolutely nothing about.

It is unwise to rely on any form of media as an accurate source of truth regarding race or ethnicity.

Imagine if we looked at any of the reality shows and believed their lives were an accurate example of how everyone in their race behaved.

Take the time to really get to know people of different races.
Make the time and effort to sit down and have a respectful open minded conversation. Approach the opportunity with an open mind,,,and open heart.

People from all cultures are usually receptive to a genuine desire to understand  who they are.
Most people are also usually receptive to simple acts of kindness.

Inclusion mandates acceptance, along with a physical and emotional act of reaching out to include others.
Taking into account, the human imperfections that are present in ALL races and cultures, the positives of working together will far outweigh the fears,,real or imagined.

After all is said, and said again,,,and again..
God expects us to accept and love each other.
That is His truth.


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