Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Mamas and Sons

Most women look forward to raising boys but tend to fear the experience of raising girls. Their mothers pray they will not be spared the drama that is guaranteed with their beautiful daughter(s).
Both my babies were planned, and I had the added blessing of their birth order being how I wanted them to be. I wanted a son first because I believed that every little girl deserves a loving big brother who will always protect her. Yes, I know,,,,my own baggage huh?
My children were fortunate to be raised in a two parent household by two people who were the best parents we knew how to be. I learned early on that a child needs to learn life lessons from both parents whenever possible. They can be defining factors in their life choices and often their survival.

Women have always been taught that how a man treats his mother will tell you how he will treat his woman (wife). That is only the tip of the iceberg..
A man's mother is the first woman who will ever love him; and the first woman he will ever love.
If a man ever loses respect and trust for his mother, it will be almost impossible for him to genuinely trust another woman. No matter how 'good' his wife happens to be, only God can heal his pain.
 While his dad will (expected to) teach him the importance of being a responsible man in the leadership of his household and community, he will also teach his son how to love and respect his mother,,,,,,or not.
 A wise son will recognize what was missing and adjust his mindset to not make the same mistakes.
Young women think of their man's mother as her mortal enemy. Sometimes her fears are warranted; but that makes life a nightmare for everyone involved. A mother should only be concerned about the happiness of her son. There simply is no competition or comparison. The emotional battle between a man's wife and his mother is painful, dangerous and ridiculous. God is perfectly clear regarding who comes first. People often forget that no parent wants to see their child,,,son or daughter,, in a relationship that will cause them pain, but ultimately the choice belongs to that child.

So how does a mother help prepare her son for life?
She will teach him the importance of seeking a personal relationship with God, because God is his salvation. Young men are more apt to question the entire foundation of religion before they fully understand the difference between religion and one's solid system of belief. Men will need to find a way to fit something they are unable to see, into their logical mindset. It really doesn't matter if their parents took them to church seven days a week as children, they will still seek answers for themselves. I personally believe that as potential heads of their households, they need to be able to know and understand not just their role but exactly what the will of God is and why they must try to stay within those boundaries. Once their research is done, they will find the peace they have been seeking. There is nothing more personal than a person's belief system.
A mother will teach her son not to be afraid of his feelings .If a man is afraid of his feelings, he will be afraid to share those feelings with any woman who enters his life. There will always be a part of him that is shut off, from himself, and everyone else.
A mother will teach her son the importance of an open mind,,,,to continue to learn and grow.
She will teach him not to be afraid to open his heart,,,,to love and be loved.
She will teach her son to always be a gentleman; it costs nothing, yet the rewards are many.
A mother will teach her son the difference between confidence and arrogance.

 She will teach him to be respectful of the feelings of others, and to expect the same in return.
She will teach her son to treat the women in his life with the same regard as he would want a man to treat his daughter, his sister, or her.

Men do not grow up wanting to marry a woman just like their mother.
They seem to be quite content with their mother simply being their 'Mama'.

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