Friday, September 14, 2012

Fortify Your Relationship Or Marriage With Basic Concepts Part 3: A Woman's Perspective

When a couple decide to get married, they at some point will declare their intentions by verbally
exchanging vows. This is true whether they elope or share these moments before a select group of family and friends.
Why do so many people seem to feel it is no longer necessary to regularly declare their love for the person they love?

Now, we will look at Part 3 of the 'AAA' Concept.

ARTICULATE 1. Expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language.
                             2. Give words to.

Husbands and Boyfriends

If you love your wife or woman, tell her
Do not make the assumption that because you go to work everyday to provide for your family, that she is secure in your love. Providing for your family to the best of your ability is your job.
Before you start your day,,,,tell her that you love her.
Often, women are their most beautiful when they are simply,,,,being themselves. Perhaps they have pulled their hair back in a ponytail, or is curled up in your favorite chair reading a book. It might even be when she is not so gently reminding you of something that you know is for your own good. Does she have a look that shows a side of her personality that only you understand? Have you ever closely  watched her as she is caring for your children? Or you??
Simply,,,,walk over to her, gently pull her into your arms and,,,,tell her that she is beautiful. If she is surprised, you need to do it more often. She should be comfortable and accustomed to being nestled into your arms,,,,just because!
If you find your wife to be sexy,,,,,tell her!
If a woman knows that her husband is turned on by her body, it will be easier and more compelling for her to focus on keeping her body fit and healthy.
* Yes, it really is easier for men than it is for women to stay fit..
Even confident women need to know that their husband or man finds them attractive. Honestly, it is her husband's  opinion that is most important.
If a man is aware that his wife has low self esteem, it is now his responsibility to assure her of his genuine acceptance,,and attraction to her. This is not always easy, but changing her view of herself will enhance the lives of both of you.
* It is a huge mistake for men to neglect to compliment their wives. This is especially true when the same men are quick to make negative comments regarding her appearance.
* Complimenting your wife only when sex is the objective could eventually prove to be a very bad decision,,,for both of you. Your wife will feel that your 'programmed' compliments are insincere. You will possibly have fewer equally satisfying sexual experiences. Food for thought.
Stay visually connected to your wife or woman. If she changes her hairstyle, and you like it,,,,tell her.
 If you do not like something, your words should be chosen carefully.
Married and committed couples are often guilty of speaking to each other in a manner that is 'tactless' and best. This is basically,,,unacceptable.

If you love your wife,,tell her.
She needs to hear you say the words.

Wives and Girlfriends

If you wake up in the morning feeling blessed to have the man beside you in your life, wake him up and tell him. It is unlikely that even the grumpiest of 'not morning' people would not be touched by such a greeting. Simple? Yes, but a great way to start the day.
Even if you and your spouse are not exactly 'best friends' at the moment because of something that there is no time to address before he leaves the house,,,tell him that you love him.
If possible, try not to allow him to begin his day away from you without having heard you,,,say the words.
* We can all agree that men are visually stimulated humans. Make a point to keep a fresh verbal imprint of yourself inside his head at all times.  From your mouth,,,to his ears,,,,to his head,,,to his heart.
 Perhaps,,,,,this will help him to stay focused on your voice when attractive women cross his path
If your husband is handsome and sexy,,,,,tell him

Men also need to hear you say the words.


Genuine love between a couple is a gift from God. The person that you love deserves to be appreciated for all that is given from their hearts. Making the effort to know who that person is allows you to affirm their worth to you. It is important to articulate your feelings by simply,,,,,saying the words. Your words will be forever spoken...

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