Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Fortify Your Relationship Or Marriage With Basic Concepts Part 2: A Woman's Perspective

When a couple is falling in love, everything is seen through rose colored glasses. They can appreciate even the most annoying habits of their object of affection. As time passes, the vision of the couple will become so cloudy, they will often fail to see even the smallest example of why they fell in love. The reasons have not changed, but life has managed to distort the view.
So, what is next?

We will now move on to the second part of the 'AAA' Concept.

APPRECIATE:  1. Recognize the full worth of.
                            2. Be grateful for.

As humans, we forget to be thankful of God's many blessings because we take them for granted. It is certainly no surprise that we fall so short on appreciating those we see everyday.
When you recognize the full worth of a person,,,to you,,,the very least we should do is to be grateful they are sharing our lives.

Some of the examples I will mention are not generally done in today's society. However, just because they are not done, does not mean they have no merit..

Husbands and Boyfriends
Keep your wife's car cleaned, maintained, and filled with gas. Simple??  Yes, but these thoughtful gestures are basic examples of a man taking care of his woman.
Pick her up from work and take her on a weekend trip. If you are afraid to pack for her, plan on a joint shopping trip to purchase an inexpensive but fun outfit you both like. 
Women make a point to know the likes and dislikes of their husbands. They know what moves them and what does not.
Take the time to really know your wife or woman. Pay attention!
If your wife has mentioned a play or movie she would like to see and you hate plays, purchase tickets for she and her best friend.
If money has been tight and she loves to read, save a few dollars at a time and buy her a gift card from her favorite book store.

For most mature women, it is the thought that goes into a gesture or gift that makes it meaningful; not the cost.

If your wife patiently listens to the highs and lows regarding your job, you should not make the mistake of thinking she has to do so, because she is your wife. Many wives are simply not interested.

Do you honestly understand how blessed you are to have a wife who handles all or even the majority of the day to day responsibilities of taking care of your family?
Some of which include:  preparing meals, cleaning the house, making sure that everyone has clean clothes to wear, making the available household funds stretch as far as possible,,, and take on the major role of raising the children..such as: homework, school meetings/open house/ teacher conferences, field trips, transporting children to various lessons/functions, medical appointments, hair appointments, etiquette /good manners, proper hygiene, potty training,,,you get my point.
* If both of you work outside the home, and the responsibilities are rightfully split, it is imperative that you come to a sensible agreement regarding the roles of each person, before there is a problem. If someone suffers from occasional 'selective memory syndrome' do not hesitate to go back to the conference table for further discussion.

Take a moment to think about your life without her.
Being grateful is both painless and free.

It is not necessary to give brownie points to a wife for being a wife, or a mother being a mother. For the most part, that is what we chose to do when we decided to build a family.

A woman needs to KNOW that she is genuinely appreciated for all that she does for her family. This is essential in her ability to go on and on...

Wives and Girlfriends

If you and your husband are secure in his role as head of household, and he does his best to fulfill that role, show your appreciation by being his safe haven.  You are his place of rest and refuel.
Life has way a of shifting the roles of even the strongest of families. As women, we have the ability to support and nurture our husbands as effectively as we do our children.  It is simply what we do.

Appreciate your husband enough to seek God's guidance,,,for him,,,as he faces the challenges of being the best man that he can be.

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