Friday, December 16, 2016

Musings of An Elderly Woman.....This Elderly Woman Part 2

I have been reminded over the last few days, that the term 'elderly' is often associated with limitations, and weakness. There is also a slight sense of sadness.
I strongly disagree.
Although society is quick to define the categories in which people are placed, at this age, most of us have mastered the art of dancing to the beat of our own drum.

Hopefully, in some small way, this post will help remove the stigma that seems to accompany these Golden Years.
I am honored.

Health and Wellness

Health issues can be life changing at any age.
Even during difficult times, our attitude can have a great impact on the quality of our lives. If not physically, this is certainly true regarding our emotional journey.

The greatest hurdle is most often fear. Not a fear of dying; most people who have lived to become my age, have made peace with their creator.
 It is the fear of being alone for many, and the fear of becoming a burden to our loved ones, for even more.
Perhaps the least talked about fear, is the possibility of diminishing mental capacity.
These fears are very, very real.
God is not the author of fear, so, this is a time when pure and simple faith is the answer.
That, and the assurance that we are never truly alone, because, God's love and presence are forever.

Family members and potential caregivers can help, by giving assurances that their love and support are genuine acts of love.
Not grudging, patronizing obligation.

Younger generations will have to accept that medical issues do not discriminate.
Eating healthy, and remaining active will certainly enhance your life, and usually aid in the management of many health issues.
However.....many people can be seemingly healthy one week, and suddenly find themselves fighting to survive the next.

The challenges of illness can be extremely frustrating.
Sometimes, it can be a struggle to remain patient and loving, when physical changes, pain, and fear seem to have taken up permanent residence inside your heard.
This is not an excuse to be rude and difficult.
 A reason, yes... understandable, yes.
 Never an excuse.
We must be kind to ourselves as well as those in our world.
One does not make it this far without facing many, many battles.
Some have been lost, but, our survival proves that more have been won.
We have the wounds and scars that document our war efforts.
We must hold tightly onto the fact that God did not bring us this far to leave us now.

The roles of both receiving care and providing care are say the very least!

Prayers for strength, compassion, and patience must be a constant.
Sometimes, slightly pulling back to take a deep breath can be priceless.
Take ALL of your needs to God.
He understands.
He is the source of our strength and comfort.


This will be very brief.
I do not require anyone's advice or permission regarding my choice of dress.
My style belongs to me.
It is as unique as I am.
Any woman my age, will know what suits her best.
No apologies, or explanations will be given.

Part 3

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