Sunday, July 1, 2012

Greatest Challenges of Being Over 60 and Single

Generally, it is much easier for women to accept being older and alone than it is for men. Ironically, it seems to be easier for men to find a mate than it is for women. Why? After much dialogue with women between the ages of 55-75 from various backgrounds and socio-economic levels, the general conclusion is the same: men of the same age group are looking for potential mates under the age of 55. Is 55 a magic number? Not exactly, but if people are comfortable thinking 45 is the middle point of life, perhaps 55 is the midpoint before you officially reach the elderly stage.

 Women over the age of 40 are looking for maturity, stability, and security. Men over the age of 55 are looking for someone to make them appear and feel younger. Men do not want to be reminded of the undeniable issues of getting older. The possibility of ending up with a wife who might not be healthy is a constant reminder of the possible burden of her future care, plus the face of their own mortality. This is sad for several reasons but the fact that most women will do whatever they have to do in order to take care of anyone they love, makes it even sadder.

The next challenge is one of our own making. I strongly suspect that although younger women have much to say about how strong they are,,,,,,well, we shall see.

 Collectively, we have given men the freedom to do pretty much whatever they want to do regarding relationships. For each woman who refuses to accept certain behavior from a man, there are five women who will; mainly because she does not want to be alone.
This seems to cover all age groups.
Society has conditioned women to believe that if they are not in a relationship, that woman has to be deficient in some way.
This is both ridiculous and dangerous.

Women who stay in abusive relationships are led to believe they are to blame for the actions of the abuser. The same is true whether he calls you fat and lazy or breaks your arm; it is still abuse. Another topic for another day.

 The physical appearance of a man's woman is as important to some (men) as the mechanics of his penis. This mindset can become quite a burden for older women who are not comfortable in this season of their lives.

To be judged and put down by your male peers makes life harder. Confidence in who you are is almost a survival tool as we face the changes in our bodies. Changes that some men are oblivious to when it comes to themselves.
 Thirty years ago, a friend of mine said that men apparently only look at themselves in hand mirrors. Women are also much more forgiving when it comes to the appearance of men. By the time a woman is 40 she understands that if the man loves her and treats her well, his round tummy is actually pretty sexy. 
The amazing woman who raised me was my maternal grandfathers aunt. She was over 50 when I was born. However, she was concerned about her personal style and how she looked until she died at 95. The same is true for a friend's mother who celebrated her 100th birthday dressed ,,in style and looking quite beautiful. Interestingly, both women were named Mattie, both loved themselves, and both looked at least 25 years younger than their actual age. I personally believe that these women were blessed to have had men in their lives who genuinely loved them,,,just the way they were.
Even after their husbands died, their love for themselves, and their assurance of God's love allowed them to be thankful for each day of their life.,,,,,even in their singleness.

If you are single, whatever your age happens to be, try to understand that this is exactly where you are supposed to be at this time in your life. Embrace all that God has for you,,today.
Use this time to grow in your relationship with God and yourself.
Strive to stay within His will,,,for you.
Never stop growing.
Never stop dreaming...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sam , I love this , You must having been reading my mind ! I was thinking about this myself , I see great minds sometimes think alike.
    Keep putting out message like this one , it's helps us older ladies , much love .
    Dj Strahan.
