Sunday, April 27, 2014

World's Most Beautiful Women,,,Perspective of Sammye Kaye

I believe that since God made each of us in His image, we are all beautiful.

This particular view, along with a few others, has resulted in my being referred to as being too nice,(???)  naive, delusional, 'polyannaish', and fake.
Since I have always been secure regarding 'who' I am, these opinions(?) mean nothing.

We live in a world that thrives on the superiority of someone, or some thing. I suppose it should be no surprise that physical appearance will no doubt remain first and foremost, the most important factor for many regarding worth.
A few select women anxiously await the announcement of who will be named the most beautiful woman in the world. This decision will forever impact their lives.

How much will the choice affect the lives of others?
It is a fact that both Beyonce' and Lupita are beautiful women.
The fact that young Black women can pick up a popular magazine and see a woman who resembles themselves being celebrated as Most Beautiful is nice.
Will this make them feel better about themselves?

I have chosen not to address the deep rooted issues that accompany our beautiful skin tones. There is no point at this time; we know what they are. Later.

However, I must point out the importance of affirming the beauty of our women within our families and communities; at all times. Our little girls need to learn how to accept the unique beauty of themselves. Next, they need to learn how to accept the differences and beauty of other women. These lessons must be taught by other women.
Women who love them, as well as themselves.

Will the handsome, or perhaps not so handsome young Black man who will smile and celebrate the beauty of Lupita, choose to do the same when he meets a young woman who is a dead ringer for Lupita ( minus the designer outfit and professional makeup)??

Will the obnoxious aunt who is so thrilled for Lupita, go back and apologize to her niece for telling her sister she needs to " buy that child a wig, because her hair will never grow!" "And, she looks like a boy!"

The magazine will be sold off the shelves. The celebrity news will move on to something else. But how many people who cross the paths of our little girls and young women will see and acknowledge their beauty?? Not the size and shape of their bodies, or the color of the skin, but their entire beauty.
It is not easy being a Black woman in this society.
We don't all look like Beyonce' or Lupita.
Thankfully, we are all uniquely different...
But, we are all uniquely beautiful.

How can I say that??

Because God simply does not make mistakes.

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