The relationship between a woman and her daughter is a journey that has been traveled many times before. A journey filled with crossroads, detours, speed bumps and more than a few sink holes. A journey the mother knows well because although she has long since passed the first stretch, she will continue her journey throughout her lifetime.
The life of a woman has never been easy.
It is true that some women will think of their daughters as 'real live baby dolls' they can dress up and parade around to be seen. It is also true that some mothers will expect their daughters to be ' tiny clones' of themselves. It is safe to say that generally, once a little girl reaches puberty her natural instinct to be an individual will be make its full presence known. The battle of wills begin....
The fact that women have mastered the ability to be both logical and emotional thinkers, gives us a much needed advantage. This is especially true when raising a daughter. The combination of intellect, logic, emotions, and hormones brings complexity to a completely different level. The female 'connection' between a mother and daughter gives the intuitive mother another advantage. The mother's insight into who her daughter is will aid in teaching her child how to safely navigate the journey she must travel.
An ability to clearly 'read' their daughter is an added bonus fueled totally by a mother's love. A gift that your daughter will not fully understand or appreciate until she has a daughter of her own.
Women have fought long and hard to be accepted as equal and capable in the world we live in. For women of color, the issue of 'color' is an additional battle still being fought; with painfully limited support. Women are first judged by society based on their physical beauty. Sadly, the panel of judges are not comprised of representatives for all women. The beauty' scale of justice' is dangerously unbalanced. It is the responsibility of the mother to teach her daughter the real meaning of beauty. She must make her daughter understand that she is,,beautiful because God made her exactly how He wanted her to be. She must be taught that her beauty belongs to her; she must own it. This is certainly not easy for a child (grown women??) to understand. It begins with how the mother feels about herself and her child. The mother must accept her own beauty and she must accept the beauty of her child.( Confusing? Unfortunately, there are women who are disappointed in the appearance of their daughters, if they fail to meet the guidelines of society. (Of course, these women are in dire need of help because their daughter will immediately pick up her mother's feelings.) Even if a woman is insecure in herself, she still has the opportunity, ability, and responsibility to provide and nurture her daughter's confidence.
A mother's need to protect her child is paramount to everything else. An angry mother is much more dangerous than an angry father. A father will act immediately; a mother has the patience to plan and execute,,,her plan, at just the right time.
A mother sadly knows and understands that her daughter will fall in love many times. She also accepts that her daughter's heart is likely to be broken just as many times. She must prepare her child to handle her feelings and move on with her life. Easier said than done; but certainly doable. But, this is just one more bump that she will overcome because,,, she is a woman.
A mother will teach her daughter that God is her refuge and the source of her strength. Always.
A mother will teach her daughter to love herself, respect herself, and respect others.
A mother will teach her daughter to seek the courage to work hard to bring her dreams to fruition.
A mother will teach her daughter that her body is her temple and only she has the power to allow entrance.
A mother will teach her daughter to be responsible for the consequences of her choices.
A daughter will learn much about how to regard her temple from the manner in which her mother regards her own..
A mother will teach her daughter to never give anyone else the power to define who she is.
A mother would give her life to make her daughter's life perfect. Since this is not possible, she will spend her life providing loving support as her daughter faces the experiences along the way.
A mother will build a line of communication that will allow her daughter to tell her mother anything, at anytime without fear.
A mother will never stop wanting to hug her baby and make it better; whatever 'it' happens to be.
The love between a mother and her daughter creates a bond that surpasses time.
The lessons a daughter will learn from her mother is a legacy that will be passed to her daughters and their daughters and on and on....
A mother has the power to either be the type of woman her daughter wants to be,,,or be the type of woman her daughter does not want to be.
You are her Mother; it is your choice.
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