Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Complexity of Friendship Between Women

For the most part, men are more loyal to other men than women are to each other. I find this interesting since men seem to be reluctant to form strong bonds with other men. Perhaps what I view as reluctance is merely caution. Men seem to form lasting friendships between childhood friends or someone who has shared a common interest or experience.
Women are more open to bonding with women who they simply find interesting. If they can relate to each other beyond just being women, well,,, all the better. Women are not afraid to build friendships with someone who has completely different life experiences.
Men will seldom even make a negative comment about another man, whether he is a friend or stranger; right or wrong. It is easier for them to stay 'neutral'. Men are pretty much free from accountability from their peers. Women are often guilty of rushing to judge almost anything regarding other women. The fact that we are so vocal has left men with the belief that we are constantly at odds. Is this true?? Food for thought...
Does this attitude affect our friendships? Probably. We have the natural instinct to want the best for those we love.  We also tend to believe that we happen to know what that 'best' is. Of course, this simply is not true. As with any adult relationship, the words " You need to...." is a bad choice to use when discussing most serious topics. Yes, even if they ask you. If you really know your friend, you will know how to talk to her. Most grown women will ultimately follow their own heart. Often the best support is simply to listen; no matter hard that might be. The words listen and silent share the same letters.  I deeply regret the times when I have not followed my own rule. Prayer is always okay for any situation..
Friendships can be much like seasons; they begin, stay long enough to learn/teach life lessons, and then they end.  This is a part of the 'growing' process. In order to grow, there must be change.
It seems to be quite challenging for some women to recognize when a friendship becomes toxic.   Ending a friendship can be a traumatic experience. It has been said that people always tell/show you who they really are; believe them. If they have no loyalty to their other 'friends', take the time to figure out if she has any real loyalty to you. Friends can be controlling, negative and jealous of your friendship with other women. A friend who cares nothing about saying or doing something to hurt your feelings is not your friend. Negative attitudes will drain your spirit with vampire-like speed..,
A friendship provides different things to each person; often at different times If there comes a time when you question whether the experience is worth the effort because it has become too much work, it is time to take inventory and conduct an audit. What is your definition of a friend?. Don't forget to look at yourself during this process.
The value of true friendship never will always remain priceless.

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