One of my greatest passions is Storytelling. One of my greatest gifts is my imagination. Together, they have provided my life with intrigue, adventure, romance, and the ability to emotionally soar.
When my life went through a major change, and God placed a select few people in my path who gave me priceless encouragement, I finally understood just how blessed that I am.
There is but one slight drawback. When I am developing my characters, and my stories, my heart and spirit begin to yearn for the type of love that I write about.
I tend to focus on topics that are often difficult for people to talk about. These stories are seldom about love.
However, telling love stories is simply a part of who I am.
Is yearning a sign of loneliness?
It does not have to be. I happen to believe there is a naturalness connected to the yearning of the heart. The Bible teaches us that it is not good to be alone. This tells us that God understands whatever our feelings are during this time. He also lovingly reminds us that He will always be with us..
I love the summer months. It is during this time that I become aware of my yearning spirit. I love the sunny days and the beautiful clouds that fill the sky. I am not even seriously bothered by the heat. Back in the day, I actually planned yard work for mid-day.
My lupus limits my time in direct sunlight, but if I am careful, I can still manage to fully enjoy the clouds.
My yearning makes its presence known in rather simple ways. It could a pretty day that just begs for a short road trip. Perhaps visiting a small town with quaint little antique shops or bookstores. Of course, it would be necessary for the person with me to enjoy either antiques or books. Both??
Or, a nice picnic in a small park....
Interesting conversation...
I have accepted the fact that I am really not exactly a social butterfly. I make no apology for being me. I must admit, that over the last few years, I have felt somewhat guilty for perhaps being rather boring, compared to some women. These feelings usually result in the 'birth' of a male character that is simply perfect for me. Or perhaps I should say, I am perfect for him..
I often yearn for someone to have the patience to just listen to my story ideas.
I believe that both men and women experience yearnings from time to time. I also believe that society has programmed us to be embarrassed or ashamed of these feelings. It is okay to sing along with a love song, or identify with a poem that hits a nerve, but it is not easy to just come out and say that your heart yearns to connect with that special person.
There is boldness in accepting our feelings, only then can we deal with whatever those feelings happen to be.
There is boldness in owning your personal truth.
Oh well, my stories are a welcome outlet for me and my yearnings.
I am truly blessed, because my stories never make me sad; they have become anchors for my hope.