Sunday, June 24, 2012

Aging With A Smile/ A Woman's Perspective

The aging process has been a humbling experience for me. If thinking about the reality of mortality is something one has aggressively pushed away, you quickly find out that 'time' pushes back with just as much force,,,and much faster.
So, we can approach the experience filled with grace, dignity, and much needed humor; or one can choose to obsess, scream, and kick all the way. I personally believe the latter choice simply speeds the process along. Neither choice is easy.
As the reproductive system of a woman prepares for a much welcomed retirement, she is rarely prepared for the changes that are on the way. I am not referring to the overly discussed symptoms of menopause on the airways. I am talking about the symptoms that women only discuss with their closest friends.
There is that day when you finally accept that when your body tells you it is time to find the bathroom,,,you need to be on your way,,,right now.
 This is also the time when you are unable to make up your mind if estrogen is/was your friend or enemy.

After the sudden month to month guessing game, and flashbacks to the surprises of puberty   have thankfully,,,,finally,,,passed, you can now sit back and relax, right?

Not exactly..

Your  slight midriff bulge seems to have turned into a muffin top overnight. What happened??
You suddenly remember your doctor's words when she told you that less estrogen often causes weight gain around the mid-section.
Whenever there is even the slightest possibility for weight gain resulting from,,anything,,my body jumps for joy, and rushes to make it happen. Presently, I take three types of medication that causes weight gain,,need I say more?

And testosterone?? Why??? We were doing just fine with the amount we had..right??
When I saw a lone (thank God!) hair on my chin, I was appalled. I honestly did not know whether to laugh or cry. I did not laugh; but I only barely managed not to cry. It was a time when only a very deep, painful sigh will suffice. I was also reminded of how distasteful it was to have Mama call me to pluck the hairs from under her chin. I could not believe that she honestly could not see those "long!" hairs and I did not know or care why they were there.
Could there possibly be a feeling of superiority among young people??

As women, we face our changes with the same acceptance we did regarding monthly cycles, pregnancy, and giving birth.
We understand that God has given us the ability to do all that is required of us with grace and dignity,,along with a few tears, and much laughter, providing a little 'salt' to our mix.

The phrase "Just keep on living!" now has a whole new meaning.
Each year of life brings more understanding and clarity..
The clarity also reminds us of how thankful we should be to have reached this time in our lives.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Real thoughts about getting older

Welcome to my blog! The fact that I just celebrated my 61st birthday makes this extra special. I promise that my topics will not be solely focused on the experiences of being a 'senior citizen'. However, I am interested in what our true feelings are regarding getting older. Most of us are mature enough to be thankful for our lives and experiences. Most of us have embraced a belief system that works perfectly for us. Now having said all of that, how do we honestly feel about the changes, good and not so good, that are a natural part of the aging process. You do not have to be over the age of 50 to make comments. I began to notice changes in both my body and level of maturity when I turned 30. This forum is also open to both men and women.
So, let's talk!